The USA is full of many amazing tourist spots and destinations which are spread across its many states. These places attract millions of both domestic and foreign tourists every year. However, given the vastness of the country, it is difficult to cover all the great spots at once. This is all the more difficult when your trip has a budget. Hence, to help you out on that one, we have curated a list of 10 ‘worth-visiting’ US states in 2021.
Having spent the last summer season in lockdown, I’m sure you all must be super ready to have a getaway this season. Well, the time of our long-awaited summer vacations is approaching. Hence, it is time to decide the destination.
Do you want to spend your vacations in the lovely states of America? Well, doubtlessly it’s a great choice! The American states are rich in natural beauty, culture, history, culinary, arts, music, and so much more. It has something to offer every kind of tourist.

So, whether you want to enjoy the ocean breeze in peace or party your heat out in clubs, USA is just the perfect place.
But which state to visit in the USA?
Although every American state has something unique to offer, due to budget and time constraints, it’s won’t be feasible to explore them all. Hence, to help you have a great trip to the USA, we have narrowed down the list of American states to the best 10.
10 ‘Worth-Visiting’ US States in 2021
1 Utah
The American state of Utah is very popular among tourists for its geological beauty and wonders.
The state is home to 5 of the national parks in the USA which are famously and collectively known as ‘Mighty 5’. Hence, this state is perfect for relaxing in the laps of nature. The state also receives many adventurers like hikers, backpackers, motorcyclists, and so on which tells it is also a great spot for outdoor activities.
Moreover, if you are interested in Jurassic history and geology, the state is also home to some of the best fossils and rock formations.
2 Colorado
Another in the list of best US states is Colorado. The state is 420-friendly as it was the first US state to legalize marijuana for recreational use. It is very easy to find and buy pot here. This is one of the key reasons why tourism has boosted here.
However, that is not all. The state is also home to the majestic Rocky Mountains. It also has some of the best national parks in America. Therefore, if you are seeking to spend your vacations enjoying the natural scenic beauty and smoking pot with your friends, Colorado would be just the perfect place.
3 Rhode Island
Another on the list is the smallest American state—Rhode Island. It is so small that you probably can’t even mark it out on the American map. Regardless, the place is next to close thing to heaven to spend your vacations at.
Its beautiful coastlines, bays, and islands make it a major tourist attraction in the USA. Along with its vistas, the state also has a rich history. For one, it was one of the world’s first colonies.
4 Minnesota
Among all the American states, Minnesota is one of its own kind. It is also famous as ‘South Canada’ and the state does live up to its reputation. This is so since the culture and atmosphere of Minnesota, according to various tourists, is distinctly Canadian.
If you visit this beautiful and culturally rich state, make sure to visit Minneapolis and St. Paul which are consistently ranked as the politest US cities.
5 Hawaii
If we are talking about the best US states, listing Hawaii is inevitable. The state continues to be the destination of many foreign and domestic tourists every year. In fact, Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places in the world. Hence, spending your holidays here would be totally worth it.
The water is so clear that you can almost see the sea bed. Apart from its beautiful beaches and ocean views, the islands also have active volcanoes that you can tour. All of these factors make this state a perfect destination.
6 Louisiana
Louisiana is one of the US states worth visiting due to its distinct culture and interesting past. The state is historically and culturally so distinct from the rest of the USA. Its history may be seen as a melting pot of French, African, American and French-Canadian cultures. This is especially so in the case of New Orleans.
Therefore, one should visit this historically and culturally rich state at least once. And when you go there, make sure to visit the beautiful French Quarter. Moreover, as any tourist guide will tell you, Bourbon Street is a ‘must-visit.’
7 Maine
Maine is undoubtedly one of the best US states to visit. And one of the main reasons I suggest so is because it has some of the most secluded sections. It is so much so that at many such places, not even 50 visitors come yearly.
So, thanks to this fact, the wilderness in these parts reigns beautifully. If you are looking to escape the hustle-bustle of the city life spend your holidays in seclusion, this is the US state to be at.
8 Texas
Another in the list is the biggest American state—Texas. Once having been a part of Mexico and once a country of its own, Texas has a rich history and interesting culture. This makes it one of the worth-visiting US states.
Texas has a lot of tourist attractions. But you must particularly visit Austin when you go there. And to satisfy the cowgirl/cowboy inside you, you must visit the southern parts of the state.
9 Florida
What makes Florida a major tourist attraction in the USA is the… Disneyland! I’m sure I don’t even have to tell you about the popularity of this amusement area. It is the dream destination of many. However, Disneyland isn’t the only reason tourists love Florida.
For one, the state is the home to Miami, which is one of the major tourist attractions in the USA. And when you visit this state, make sure to explore the beaches of The Sunshine State. Here, you can relax yourself by enjoying its soft sand, warm water, and beautiful sunsets.
10 New York
Talking about the worth-visiting US states in and not mentioning New York won’t make sense. The state is doubtlessly one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world. Well, this is mainly so due to New York City. This hustling-bustling city with an interesting culture and intriguing atmosphere appeal to many tourists across the world.
But being honest, the New York City is most of all that is there to this state. If you want to explore the state outside the city, Ithaca or Syracuse may be your best options.
Millions of people travel to and across the USA for its many tourist attractions spread through its states. If you are planning to visit this country, given above may be your 10 best options. it will help you learn about the top ‘worth-visiting’ US states. Different destinations are suitable for different types of trips. For one, if you want to chill and have fun, you can go to Florida or Hawaii, and if you seek to escape the hustling-bustling of the world into seclusion and wilderness, Maine may be your best option!
Which US state out of these intrigues you the most? Let us know in the comments below.